One of our customers sent me these sunstones as a surprise! Thank you Jim! I wanted to get a closer look at what caused the shimmer inside the stone. These are taken with a camera mounted on a microscope:

Information on sunstone:
Display of rough...please don't drool on the glass.
Giant geode with calcite crystal. The box is about the size of a pizza box and says DO NOT of course we had to. Boy did we get a dirty look!
A gorgeous stone carving...I love the way the light comes through the wings.Giant fossils (I think they are ammonites?)
Two boys show us what the Tucson show is all about! Amazing rocks and enthusiasm! There were several vendors working in their booth. This one is working on a cabbing machine. A cab is a gem or stone that has a smooth domed surface.
Dev checking out some rough.
An amber dealer's booth.. it was just stunning when the light hit it.
Big ol' hunks of malachite.